Silphiums: Four Pillars in the Tallgrass Prairie

2015 seems to be the year of the genus Silphium in the arboretum.  In recent years, I can’t remember them looking so bright or growing so tall.  With the spring and summer rains these sun-loving, yellow-flowered plants have reached a new level.  In fact, they are among the tallest plants of the prairie in late summer and autumn. We grow and sell four species: Prairie Dock, Silphium terebinthinaceum; Cup Plant, Silphium perfoliatum, Compass Plant, Silphium laciniatum; and Rosinweed, Silphium integrifolium.  Each of these are distinct and easily identified by their unique leaves.

Prairie Dock (Silphium terebinthinaceum)

I call this the Hosta of the prairie. It almost has a tropical-look to it, with large rough leaves up to one foot wide and two foot long.  It will make a statement in the landscape, but give it plenty of room and keep it away from walkways, because the long stems tend to arch over the path.  Individual clumps can become large over time reaching six feet in diameter.  The yellow flowers develop in mid-August atop tall leafless stalks.  This member of the tallgrass prairie is one of my favorite wildflowers.  In my opinion, Prairie Dock is a must in your wildflower garden. Update (2023), I love this plant but we have found that it self seeds everywhere.  If you include it in your garden be prepared to deadhead after flowering to avoid a monoculture of prairie dock.  Use with caution.

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Prairie Dock

Prairie Dock

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Prairie Dock

Prairie Dock with Missouri Black-eyed Susan

Cup Plant (Silphium perfoliatum)

A natural bird bath in the landscape.  Each pair of leaves clasps around the stem forming a small basin.  When it rains, these crude cups fill with water that is then available to wildlife.   They stand tall in the landscape and therefore work well as a screen.  I have also used them as a dark green background for other shorter perennials like black-eyed Susan, and gayfeather.  The yellow blossoms can be seen starting in July and are visited by a host of butterflies.  Later, birds cherish the seeds.   Cup Plant thrives in heavier clay soils or even wet conditions.  It will be happy in any setting if given ample sunlight.

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Cup Plant with water

Cup Plant with water

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Cup Plant Flower

Cup Plant Flower

Compass Plant (Silphium laciniatum)

Do you need directions?  This is the plant that can help.  The interesting basal leaves look like flat hands.  Those lower leaves usually orient themselves north-south to minimize exposure to the intense summer sun, hence the descriptive common name.  These extremely tall (up to ten feet) wildflowers are found in prairies and glades throughout the eastern third of Kansas.  Each stem is covered with tiny white hairs that give it a rough, bristly feel.  The bright yellow flowers emerge along the upper parts of the plant in summer.  Split or broken stems exude a clear sticky resin much like pine sap.  Native Americans used this resin as a mouth-cleansing chewing gum.  I think I will stick with Trident®.

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Compass Plant

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Compass Plant

Compass Plant Leaf

Rosinweed (Silphium integrifolium)

Rosinweed is shorter, but just as tough as the other Silphiums.  Again, the name describes the resin exuded if the stem is bruised or broken.  The golden yellow flowers that mature at the top of the stems are beautiful in the summer.  It is a pollinator magnet, attracting bees, butterflies and even hummingbirds to the flowers.  It becomes a natural bird feeder in the fall and winter as the seeds are devoured by birds.  It is quite drought tolerant once established and is at home in a wide variety of soils.

Dyck Arboretum Blog: Silphiums, Rosinweed


While each of these wildflowers are unique in appearance, especially as you look at the leaves, they all have that “clear, sticky juice” that exudes if the stem is damaged.  I love them in the landscape, but they need room because they grow so tall.  They are great in prairie settings or areas on the periphery of your yard.  You can’t go wrong – just give them plenty of sunlight so the sunflower-like blooms can brighten your summer landscape.

Each of these plants can be purchased at our FloraKansas Fall Plant Sale, September 11 to 13.

Three Native Sedges Made for the Shade

One of the toughest areas to grow plants is in dry shade.  There is a smaller plant palette that grows in these harsh conditions compared to more sunny locations in your yard.  Root competition really limits what will do well under the trees.  While most home landscapes have at least one area that is either partially or fully shaded throughout the day, it can be difficult finding native alternatives to the standard plants like hostas chosen for these shady niches.

There are a few native plants that will thrive in this tough environment.  Here are three native sedges that are worth considering.

Appalachian Sedge – Carex appalachica

An exciting native sedge that works well in mass plantings (one to two foot spacing), along shady slopes and “no mow” lawns.  It is gaining in popularity because it is so easy to grow.  We have carried it the last few years at our plant sales and customers who have tried it come back wanting more.  It forms a true clump with narrow leaves only getting 6-8 inches tall.   Each clump spirals upward as each blade intermingles with the others.  It is a shade to part sun-loving sedge that is quite appealing.

Carex appalachica Photo Courtesy Hoffman Nursery, Inc.

Carex appalachica        Photo Courtesy Hoffman Nursery, Inc.

Bristle-leaf Sedge – Carex eburnea

This fine-leaved sedge makes an excellent ground cover or lawn alternative for that shady spot.  The fountain-like clumps of dark green foliage are soft to the touch.  It stays short only reaching 6-12 inches.  Over time, the individual tufts will grow together forming a thick sod.  In the fall, the clusters turn a nice tan.  It appreciates sharp drainage, but not too much sun.  Plant them in mass for dramatic effect.

Carex eburnea Photo Courtesy Hoffman Nursery, Inc.

Carex eburnea      Photo Courtesy Hoffman Nursery, Inc.

Pennsylvania Sedge – Carex pensylvanica

This sedge is tough.  It spreads by runners forming a dense mat after several years.  This quality is why many use it as a great lawn substitute for the shade.  The fine textured leaves are soft under your feet, too.  It is most effective when planted in mass.  You will appreciate its drought tolerance and resilient nature once it is fully established.

Carex pensylvanica  Photo Courtesy Hoffman Nursery, Inc.

Carex pensylvanica        Photo Courtesy Hoffman Nursery, Inc.


See, there are some plants that flourish in the shade of trees. They even mix well with many other types of woodland wildflowers such as woodland phlox, columbine, wild geranium, and golden ragwort, and Short’s Aster.  You can find these companion plants along with the aforementioned sedges at our FloraKansas Fall Plant Sale.  Each of these low-growing sedges are delicate with arching leaves that are very appealing as ground covers.  In my opinion, they are definitely worth trying.


Which Trees Should I Plant in Kansas?

The best time to plant trees and shrubs is in the late fall and early winter before the ground freezes. With proper watering and maintenance, newly established plants will get settled and acclimated to their new environment.  By developing roots this fall, these plants will increase their chance of survival through the first growing season next year.

The Hesston City Tree Board did a street tree inventory several years ago for the entire city and found that there are too many Silver Maples, Siberian Elms, and Pin Oaks.  These three species represent 31% of the town’s total tree population.  The recommended percentage of any one tree would be less than 5% of the total population.  Insect and disease problems can decimate a single species (such as Dutch elm disease in American elms or pine wilt in Scotch Pine).  Tree planting diversity by the citizens of Hesston can help improve the overall make up of the population and bring it back into balance.

At the time of this survey, the City of Hesston and the Tree Board developed a five year planting strategy to promote diversity for future planting.  This strategy was intended for Hesston, but will work for nearly every community in the state.  Some of their recommendations and mine are contained in the following list.  These trees are native to eastern or central Kansas and adaptable to most of the state.

Which trees should I plant in Kansas? Try a few of these:

Bur Oak (Quercus macrocarpa) – A very large broad spreading tree (70’ x 70’) with long smoothly lobed leaves.  Mature trees come alive in the fall with squirrel activity as the acorns mature.  Excellent as a shade tree, but give it space.

Northern Red Oak (Quercus rubra) A large tree (60’ x 60’) with a rounded growth habit in youth and maturity.  The seven to eleven lobed lustrous dark green leaves turn a russet-red in fall.

Shingle Oak (Quercus imbricaria) – Pyramidal in youth and eventually becoming broad and rounded at maturity (50’ x 50’).  The leaves are unlobed and lustrous dark green, turning yellow brown to russet-red in fall.  Leaves are persistent though winter.

Shingle oak

Shingle oak

Post Oak (Quercus stellata) – A dense-rounded tree (40’ x 40’) with shiny green leaves that are roundly lobed.  Hard to find in the nursery trade, but worth the effort.

American Linden, Basswood (Tilia americana) – A very large (60’ x 60’) upright pyramidal to broadly open tree.  The gray smooth bark, fragrant creamy-yellow flowers in late spring, and dark green leaves make American Linden a nice choice as a shade tree.

Sugarberry (Celtis laevigata) – A hackberry with smooth gray bark and large (40’ x 40’) rounded growth habit.  Fruits have a sweet date-like taste and are loved by birds.

Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) – Widely adapted to many areas throughout the state, hackberrys can withstand all Kansas can throw at them.  Upright to pyramidal in habit (40’ x 40’) with rough deeply furrowed plate-like bark.  It is a larval food source for the question mark, comma, hackberry, tawny emperor, snout, and morning cloak butterflies.

Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa) – Very adaptable to a wide range of soils from wet to dry.  It has an open irregular crown (50’ x 40’) with large heart-shaped leaves.  The flowers, which appear in May and June, are quite showy.  Worth growing, even though it is thought of as a messy tree that drops its leaves and seed pods.  Don’t all trees do that?

Persimmon (Diospyros virginiana) – Tough oval rounded tree (40’ x 35’) with fragrant white blueberry-shaped flowers in May and June.  The real treat comes in the fall when the edible fruit ripens and the foliage takes on colors of yellow to reddish-purple.

American Hophornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) – Rare in the nursery trade, this tree deserves to be used more because it makes a great street tree.  Pyramidal in youth becoming rounded with age (25’ x 30’), it has deep green, sharply serrated leaves that turn yellow-brown in fall.

American Hophornbeam

American Hophornbeam

These trees are examples that will increase the tree diversity in your neighborhoods and landscapes.  For more information on these or other trees for your area, contact your local tree board, local horticulture extension agent, or visit the arboretum.  We have examples of many of these trees growing at the arboretum.  I would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

Remember – diversity is the key to success!

Native Plant Alternatives for Three Common Non-Natives

One of the great things about native plants is that there is so much diversity found in the prairie.  From wet to dry, sun to shade, clay to sand, there is a plant for every place in the landscape.  The diversity of plants give us so many options and provides alternatives to what is typically planted in gardens and displays in our area.  The non-native plants listed below are coupled with native plant alternatives that make excellent substitutes.

Alternatives for Bugle Weed-Ajuga Cultivars

  • Ater divaricatus ‘Eastern Star’ (White Woodland Aster): This native aster has small white flowers with pink centers that cover the plant in fall.  The attractive foliage is dark green with burgundy highlights.  It slowly creeps to fill in an area, but it is not aggressive.  This is a nice plant for full to part shade.
  • Asarum canadense (Wild Ginger): This native of the woods is quite adaptable, but prefers rich organic soils.  Wild ginger spreads slowly to form colonies.  Plant these about a foot apart and they will form a solid ground cover in two or three years. These will not grow in sun.   The kidney shaped leaves are a soft-green and often cover the flowers, which are brownish and bell shaped.
  • Senecio obovatus (Squaw-weed): I love this woodland native because it looks good all year long.  The rounded dark green foliage is semi-evergreen.  It is a weaver as it spreads to fill voids in a shaded or part shade situation.  The yellow flowers brighten the shade garden in the spring.
ArbFlowers_May06- 026

Squaw Weed

Alternatives for Barberry – Berberis spp.

  • Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Little Devil’ or ‘Tiny Wine’ (Ninebark):  We have been growing Ninebark here at the arboretum for many years with great success.  It is quite adaptable and many of the new cultivated varieties have beautiful reddish purple foliage and whitish-pink blooms in the spring.  These two new forms (Little Devil and Tiny Wine) just come in a smaller size.  They ultimately get only three to four feet tall.  They have the same ornamental characteristics and tough demeanor as the larger varieties.  They grow best in average soil with full to part sun.  Good things do come in small packages.

Physocarpus ‘Little Devil’

  • Ceanothus americanus (New Jersey Tea): If this native shrub can flourish in the prairie, imagine what it will do in your landscape.  This compact native shrub has glossy green leaves.  The showy white clusters are held at the end of the branches in May and June.  It develops a rounded habit (3-4 feet tall) if given room to spread its branches.  The small dark fruit clusters are attractive later in the season.
  • Panicum virgatum ‘Cheyenne Sky’ (Switchgrass): This native grass forms a dense upright bundle, finally maturing to three feet tall.  Red leaves form early in the season and hold fast through the fall.  The entire plant turns shades of yellow and orange in the fall.  I love grasses in the fall and winter because they provide movement in the garden as the gentlest breeze sets the whole plant in motion.  It thrives in full sun and adapts to a wide range of soils, including clay.
Cheyenne Sky

Panicum virgatum ‘Cheyenne Sky’

Alternatives to Maiden Grass – Miscanthus spp.

  • Tripsacum dactyloides (Eastern Gama Grass): We have many clumps of this native grass in the arboretum.  The arching stalks arise from a large base of narrow, gray-green leaves. The interesting flower spikes add another focal point atop the stems from May through September.
  • Panicum virgatum (Switch Grass): This clump-forming native grass can range in size from three feet on up to 8 feet tall.  The medium green leaves ultimately change to yellows, oranges and eventually fading to tan through the winter.  The finely-textured seed heads are open and airy.  They make great screens and produce a nice backdrop for other perennials.  ‘Northwind’ and ‘Dallas Blues’ are exceptional cultivars for the home landscape.
Panicum Northwind.resize

Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’

  • Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass): Indian grass matures into a vase shape that is up to six feet tall and three feet wide.  The tannish plumes atop the sturdy stems appear in late summer.  It prefers a medium to dry soil with full sun for best growth.


We will follow up these alternatives with some other choices for non-natives in the coming weeks.  It is good to know that there are substitutes for many traditional landscape plants.  Keep in mind that whatever is planted has consequences, both negative and positive.  By choosing natives, the positives far outweigh the negatives.

“You must choose, so choose wisely”.  (From Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade)

Plant Profiles: Butterfly Milkweed

As I drove through the Flint Hills this week in late June, there were orange dots among the prairie grasses that caught my eye.  Few plants found on the prairies of Kansas are as readily recognizable as butterfly milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa).  This classic prairie plant found throughout the eastern two-thirds of Kansas blooms from late May into August.



Butterfly milkweed is a stout one to two foot tall perennial with a deep, coarse, fibrous root system.  Flowers range from deep orange-red in the eastern part of its range to lighter orange and finally yellow farther west and south in Kansas.  Unlike the numerous other milkweeds found in Kansas, butterfly milkweed does not exude a white milky sap when the stem is cut or a leaf is removed.

Butterfly weed

Butterfly weed

Generally available in garden centers and nurseries as well as our FloraKansas Plant Sale, butterfly milkweed can easily be used in a perennial border or in wilder, more naturalistic plantings.  Somewhat slow to establish because of the coarse roots, butterfly milkweed is a long lived plant and an excellent competitor in the garden when challenged by more vigorous plants.

While it prefers full sun and good drainage, it will tolerate light shade.  It is also very drought tolerant once established.  Several cultivated varieties of butterfly milkweed have been developed.  These include ‘Gay Butterflies’, a mix of red, orange, and yellow flowered plants, and ‘Hello Yellow’, an exclusively yellow flowered selection.

Flying Flowers of Kansas

Hello Yellow Butterfly Milkweed

The common name is derived from the blossom’s ability to attract butterflies and a host of pollinating insects.  The complex flowers actually have pollen sacs attached to a y-shaped structure or stirrup.  These structures attach to visiting insects and are consequently carried off to the other flowers in the vicinity, allowing cross pollination to occur.  Fruits are long, skinny pods, typically three to six inches long. These contain many seeds, each having a tuft of white, silky hairs.  As the pod dries and splits in the fall, the seeds are carried away by the breeze, each equipped with a tiny parachute-like structure.

Do your garden a favor and include some butterfly milkweed.  Its many ornamental and functional assets, plus its rugged character will make it a focal point in the summer garden for years to come.  Plus, you will be rewarded as pollinators such as Monarchs seek out this beautiful native wildflower.

Favorite Penstemons for the Landscape

Penstemons are beautiful spring blooming wildflowers that provide incredible color and attractive forms.

I have been convinced through trial and error that some plants are more garden worthy than others.  If matched with the proper sunlight and soil, penstemons fit that category.  Whether planted in the spring or fall, all of the penstemons will bloom the next year.  Right now our penstemons are putting on a show.  They have spectacular tubular flowers of white, pink, red or lavender, depending on the species and varieties.  Here are some of my favorites for three different garden types.


For a more formal prairie garden…

Shell-leaf Penstemon (Penstemon grandiflorus) – Found in prairies throughout the Great Plains, it has thick burgundy stems, waxy blue-green leaves and large lavender flowers. Plant in full sun in any soil that stays medium to dry throughout the year. Grows up to 3’ tall.


‘War Axe’ is an exceptional strain of Shell-leaf Penstemon.  Seeds collected from plants with maroon, red, purple, and pink blooms are mixed together and planted.  The resulting plants will have one of these colors and each plant is different.  What a surprise in the spring!  Same form and cultural requirements as the species.

Smooth Penstemon (Penstemon digitalis) – I love this penstemon as a perennial border.  The white flowers in spring have just a blush of pink and develop interesting seed heads.   It adds outstanding form and texture to any landscape throughout the year.  Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’ is a beautiful selection of smooth penstemon with attractive reddish-purple foliage and soft pink tubular blooms.


Photo courtesy Walters Gardens

Tube Penstemon (Penstemon tubaeflorus) -The snow-white flowers shine in the spring garden.  The morning dew covers the tubular blooms in the morning.  Each stem reaches for the sky, ultimately growing three feet tall.  Pollinators flock to the flowers, especially large bees that dangle from flowers as they try to crawl inside to reach the nectar at the back.  It is amazing to watch the different pollinators work these flowers.

Native companion plants for the formal prairie garden: Spiderwort (Tradescantia sp.), Evening Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa), and Butterfly Milkweed (Asclepias tuberosa)

Penstemon tubaeflorus. Photo courtesy Craig Freeman

Penstemon tubaeflorus. Photo courtesy Craig Freeman


For a pond or stream edge…

Smooth Penstemon is an excellent choice.  It is very adaptable to wetter environments.  It has thrived next to our pond edge for years with no ill effects from flooding or too much moisture.

‘Husker Red’ is a selection of Smooth Penstemon with wonderful deep red foliage.  The white flowers are similar to the species with a blush of pink.  It thrives wherever you plant it.

Native companion plants for the pond edge: Gray-headed coneflower (Ratibida pinnata), Kansas Gayfeather (Liatris pycnostachya), Meadow Blazing Star (Liatris ligulistylis), or Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccafolium)


For a rock garden…

Cobaea Penstemon (Penstemon cobaea) – Found regularly within the Flint Hills region on road cuts and exposed bluffs and hills, it has large white flowers with lavender lines inside the throat.  Plant in full sun in a medium to dry soil.  Grows to 24” tall.


Rocky Mountain Penstemon (Penstemon strictus) – This penstemon is not native to our region, but is quite adaptable.  The foliage is clean and evergreen with the rosy-lavender blooms held on one side of the upright stems.  It grows to 24” in full sun and a lean, medium to dry soil.

Native Companion plants for rock gardens: Evening Primrose (Oenothera macrocarpa), Shortstem spiderwort (Tradescantia tharpii), Purple Poppy Mallow (Callirhoe involucrata), Narrow-leaf Coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia)

Establish these penstemons like any other perennial with daily watering for the first few weeks after planting and check them periodically through the year.  You will be rewarded by these resilient wildflowers.  They have spectacular flowers that you must experience.  Wow is all I can say.



Shade plants worth trying

There is always that area in your landscape that is shaded.  These areas can be frustrating, because they don’t grow turf well leaving the soil bare.  Here are a few good shade plants to spruce up that dark corner of your garden.

Sundilal and shade garden- 012

Columbine, Aquliegia canadensis

Delicate but tough wildflower for the shade garden.  Flowers are red with yellow that bloom in April and May.  Plants ultimately reach 12-24 inches tall in part-shade to shade.  They are quite adaptable, but prefer an average to moist soil.


Appalachian Sedge, Carex appalachica

This sedge looks like it came straight from the 80’s big hair days.  The punked out spikes reach 12 to 18 inches straight up in any shade garden. This lovely sedge is native to dry woods.  Its fine texture and fountaining habit make it a lovely groundcover in dry shady sites, even in the root zone of trees.

Greenhouse.4.20.2015 (9)

Woodland Phlox, Phlox divaricata

This native phlox is a favorite spring wildflower.  It can be found along streams and in open woods.  The 12 inch clumps are covered with delicate 1.5 inch lavender flowers in May.  Quick to fill in areas when happy, it requires little or no maintenance.

Photo courtesy of Walters Gardens.

Epimedium ‘Lilafee’

This dwarf Epimedium grandiflorum is one tough cookie in the landscape.  In mid-spring, the new ear-shaped foliage emerges with a dramatic bronzy-lavender color.  The delicate violet flowers dance above the heart-shaped foliage.

white wood aster

White Woodland Aster, Aster divaricatus ‘Eastern Star’

This nice selection for the woodland border has pure clean white flowers atop the mahogany stems.  It blooms in September and October, adding splashes of color to your shade garden later in the season.  It prefers part-shade to shade in an average to moist soil.  It is a weaver that slowly fills open areas, but it is not aggressive.

Scott’s Top Ten Sun-Loving Plants for Spring 2015

One of the themes this spring for planting is diversity.  By planting a diversity of wildflowers and grasses in your garden, you will attract many different forms of wildlife, including pollinators and birds.  A wide variety of plants blooming at different times of the year will provide interest and beauty throughout the growing season.

As we have been busily getting ready for the plant sale this week, I can’t help but notice the diversity of plants available this spring.  There are so many wonderful plants to choose and incorporate into a landscape setting.

Here are my top sun-loving plants for the spring sale:


Green Antelopehorn (Asclepias viridis)

This is the 2015 Kansas Native Plant Society wildflower of the year.  It grows 18 to 24 inches tall with green flowers in May and June.  It loves full sun and thrives in dry prairies.  Monarchs use milkweeds as a host plants.  Grow this species or any other milkweeds to increase habitat for the perilous populations of monarchs.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Penstemon ‘Dark Towers’

It is beautiful in flower and foliage.  In early spring, the whitish-pink tubular flowers emerge.  Bees and even hummingbirds flock to these flowers to sip the sweet nectar.  Not only is it attractrive when blooming but the maroon-purple foliage adds interest the rest of the year.  A plant for the front of a border that is attractive at many different seasons of the year.

Blue Grama Blonde Ambition

Blue Grama, Boutleoua gracilis ‘Blonde Ambition’

I was blown away by this grass last summer.  It looked fantastic with the airy golden flowers all summer.  The horizontal eyelash-like flowers wave in the wind atop the fine blue-green foliage.  It grows effortlessly in any sunny site and just about any soil.  Great in mass plantings or along borders edges.  Quite the dramatic, unique grass.

Vernonia Iron Butterfly

Ironplant, Vernonia lettermanii ‘Iron Butterfly’

I have grown to appreciate the toughness of this wildflower.  This selection found in Arkansas has fine foliage like Amsonia hubrichtii but stays more compact.  The dark purple flowers cover the entire plant in late summer attracting pollinators by the herd.  It thrives in hot dry locations.  When other plants are wilting, it is performing like a champ.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Arkansas Bluestar, Amsonia hubrichtii

I have put this plant on my top ten list just about every year because it is a great plant.  Sky blue flowers in spring develop atop stems with narrow leaves that whorl the stem.  Each plant can grow about three feet tall and three feet wide.  The real show is in the fall as the entire plant turns a beautiful golden yellow.  Plant in mass or alone in the middle of the border.  A garden worthy plant that should be used more.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Little Bluestem Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Twilight Zone’

This is a new and improved form of native Little Bluestem.  It colors up beautifully in the early fall but the iridescent silver-mauve foliage from spring to fall is eye-catching. Growing stiffly upright, this grass reaches three to four feet tall by the end of summer.  Plant as a backdrop for other perennials because the foliage is a wonderful complement.  Great native grass for interesting foliage and form.

Photo courtesy Terra Nova Nursery.

Photo courtesy Terra Nova Nursery.

Agastache ‘Raspberry Summer’

What an awesome perennial!  The large, dark raspberry pink blooms cover this plant all summer and into fall.  Pollinators flock to the blooms and make the plant come alive with activity.  Plant in full sun and well-drained soil.

ArbFlowers 143

Yellow Purple Coneflower Echinacea paradoxa

A yellow purple coneflower is a paradox.  However, it is tough and beautiful.  The flowers emerge in May and June with long yellow ray petals.  It grows best in full sun, ultimately reaching 3-4 feet tall.  Mix with native grasses like Little Bluestem or Switchgrass to showcase the attractive seedheads later in the year.

Solidago ‘Little Lemon’               Photo courtesy of North Creek Nurseries 

Solidago “Little Lemon’

Goldenrods get a bad rap for causing allergies.  Actually, they don’t cause your allergies in the fall – that is the fault of the ragweed pollen instead.  So now that you know that tid-bit of information, you can plant this dwarf goldenrod in your garden.  It grows to 12 inches tall and mixes well with short grasses along a border or edge.  Plant in full sun for best results.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Photo courtesy Walters Gardens.

Beebalm Monarda ‘Cherry Pops’

Brilliant cherry-red flowers cover this new bee balm in midsummer.  The well-branched plants have clean mildew-resistant foliage creating a compact mound.  Each nectar sweet flower attracts hosts of pollinators throughout the summer.  Great new form for the front of a border or along a sidewalk.

It is time to get these plants in the ground.  The beneficial rains of the past few weeks have really got me itching to plant some of these varieties this spring.  There are so many beautiful plants that are worth trying.  Hopefully, you will have a chance to stop by the plant sale, take a look and give some of them a try in your own garden.

False Indigo: Beautiful Baptisias Reach for the Sky

Every spring I marvel at the changing landscape, especially prairies that have been burned.  A seemingly lifeless and brown prairie is turned black by fire and reduced to ashes.  This important process removes last year’s growth, allowing the sun to warm the soil.  This warmth is just what native wildflowers and grasses need to emerge from their winter slumber.  They jump to life in just a few warm days, turning the charred plains emerald green.

In this new growth, there are some very recognizable plants that stand out.  Indigos rise from rocky hillsides and dot the landscape in early spring with beautiful blue, white and cream flowers.  They thrive in challenging environments because of their deep roots.  The roots of wild indigos can be quite extensive – reaching down over ten feet deep – making them impervious to drought.


Baptisia ‘Indigo Spires”

Locally, only two varieties of indigos grow in the prairies of south-central Kansas.  Blue False Indigo (Baptisia australis var. minor) has a stately posture.  The entire plant is stiffly upright and forms a miniature canopy with the attractive blue-green foliage.  The showy spires of small pea-like blooms develop in May.  Later in the season, oblong brownish-black seed pods emerge providing another highlight to this beautiful wildflower.  They love any sunny spot with well-drained soil.  They are difficult to move once established because of the deep tap roots.

Native Blue False Indigo

Native Blue False Indigo

Cream Wild Indigo (Baptisia bracteata) is the other indigo found in our area.  It is one of the earliest wildflowers to bloom. In fact, one of the plants outside the Visitor Center is showing flower buds now, in the first week of April.  The creamy-white flowers are held horizontally to the ground in long prostate clusters.  Again, these flowers turn into brownish-black seed pods filled with small beans.  The entire plant has a fuzzy appearance from leaves to the stem.  They are tough and drought tolerant when planted in a well-drained soil with full sun.

Other nativars (cultivars of native plants) worth trying are Baptisia ‘Blue Berry Sundae’ Blue flowers, 24-36 inches tall; Baptisia ‘Cherry Jubilee’ Maroon/yellow flower, 30-36 inches tall; Baptisia ‘Lemon Meringue’ Lemon/yellow flowers, 36 inches tall; Baptisia ‘Vanilla Cream’ Pastel yellow flowers, 24-36 inches tall; Baptisia ‘Indigo Spires’ Dark Purple flowers, 36-48 inches tall; Baptisia ‘Blue Towers’ Blue flowers, 48-54 inches tall; and Baptisia ‘Pink Truffles’ Pink flowers, 30-36 inches tall.  All of these varieties will be available at our upcoming plant sale in just a few weeks time.

Baptisia 'Lemon Meringue'

Baptisia ‘Lemon Meringue’

Baptisia 'Pink Truffles'

Baptisia ‘Pink Truffles’

Baptisia 'Cherries Jubilee'

Baptisia ‘Cherries Jubilee’

I have always been enamored with Baptisia.  They are so resilient.  They effortlessly survive in the toughest conditions.  To see a whole prairie dotted with indigos as far as the eye can see is amazing.  The stunning beauty of these wildflowers can be brought home as well.  They adapt to any sunny landscape setting.  I can’t resist their charm and beauty.


A Garden-Worthy Perennial: Threadleaf Bluestar

Amsonia hubrichtii, the threadleaf bluestar, is one of my favorite plants.  It was not well known among gardeners until the Perennial Plant Association named it the 2011 Plant of the Year.  The species was discovered in 1942 by Leslie Hubricht growing in the Ouachita Mountains in central Arkansas.  The species was later named in her honor.


Each plant has ornamental qualities that make it stand out from other perennial wildflowers.   In May and June, clusters of small powder blue, star-like flowers top the strong stems.  The stems are encircled with soft, narrow leaves resembling pine needles, making each plant look like a small shrub with feathery texture and incredible fullness. I have found them to be extremely hardy, drought tolerant and very low maintenance.

The real show develops in September when the foliage turns a butter yellow fading to a golden brown by October.  One specimen plant is spectacular in each season of the year, but a group of ten or more massed together and strategically located are quite stunning.  Individual plants can reach up to 48 inches tall and 24-36 inches wide.  They prefer full sun to partial shade and an average garden soil.


This summer I have only watered them 3 times, so they are tough.  At the arboretum, they are planted along the east border paths.  Amsonia hubrichtii is a dynamic perennial that deserves a place in your garden.

Other Amsonia are just as ornamental, but offer different textural elements and sizes for just about any sunny to partial shade landscape setting.  They are Amsonia illustris, Amsonia ‘Blue Ice’, Amsonia cilliata and Amsonia rigida.

Find amsonia hubrichtii and other garden-worthy perennials on our Plant List 2015 and visit us at our FloraKansas Spring Plant Sale, April 24-27, 2015.