Thanksgiving Weekend and the first December Weekend
Friday, Saturday and Sunday • 5:30 to 8 p.m. each night
Experience the quiet beauty of Kansas in winter: dormant native grasses shifting in the wind, lights reflecting in our pond, and leafless trees lit from below like living sculptures. Observing tens of thousands of twinkle lights adorning the Arboretum path and illuminating our grounds is a great way to kick off the holiday season and find renewed appreciation for the prairie landscape around us.
Stop at the fire pit to roast a marshmallow and grab a hot beverage, provided by Hesston Scout Troop 112 (free will donation).
Advanced tickets recommended (please read guidelines below):
- $5 for Adults
- FREE for children ages 0 to 12
- Non-refundable, non-transferable.
- YOU CAN NOW PURCHASE TICKETS AT WALK UP between 5:30 and 7:30 pm inside the Gift Shop. Please do not arrive after 7:30 pm!
Friday, November 29
- 5:30 to 6:00 pm: Dave Anderson on hammered dulcimer
- 6:00 to 8:00 pm, on the half hour: “Winter Constellations and the Christmas Star” with Ron Mallory in the Ad Astra Mobile Planetarium. Each program will run 15-20 min, limited to 40 participants. Seating is on the floor inside a “bouncy house” style dome. This program is especially well-suited to young families.
- Music by Dave Anderson on hammered dulcimer between planetarium presentations
Saturday, November 30
- 6:15 pm: Music by Ken Rodgers, piano
- 6:45 pm: Story time
- 7:00 pm: Lecture-style presentation on the night sky by Jerelyn Ramirez, Kansas Astronomical Observers. She will also offer outdoor viewing opportunities before and after her talk.
- 7:30 pm: Music by Ken Rodgers, piano
Sunday, December 1
- 6:00 pm: Music by Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble
- 6:30 pm: Story time
- 6:45 pm: Story time
- 7:00 pm: Story time
- 7:15 pm: Music by Prairie Bronze Handbell Ensemble
Friday, December 6
- 6:15 pm: Music by Outside the Bach(s), clarinet/violin duo
- 6:45 pm: Story time
- 7:00 pm: Astronomy presentation by Jim Yoder
- 7:30 pm: Music by Outside the Bach(s), clarinet/violin duo
Saturday, December 7
- 6:15 pm: Music by Handpan Dan
- 6:45 pm: Story time
- 7:00 pm: Astronomy presentation by Mary Smith, Cosmosphere STEAM Educator
- 7:30 pm: Music by Hand Pan Dan
Sunday, December 8
- 6:30 pm: Music by the Newton Community Children’s Choir
- 7:15 pm: Astronomy presentation by Jim Yoder

Guidelines for all attendees (subject to change):
- Choose and purchase tickets in advance for one of five half-hour slots to help us evenly distribute attendees each evening;
- Some areas of the path are dark. Please be prepared for low visibility. Bring a flashlight if needed.
- Tickets will be available November 1st online, in the Arboretum gift shop or by calling the office in advance.
- YOU CAN PURCHASE TICKETS AT THE ENTRANCE, unless the event is sold out. Be prepared to stand in line, if necessary.
Thank you for following these guidelines and helping us make this a safe and enjoyable event!