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Messy Trees

I love this time of year. Cool mornings and warm afternoons are a welcome break from the heat of summer. This time of year also reminds me that not all trees are the same. Some have beautiful fall colors of orange, red, yellow and purple while others shades of tan and brown. Once the leaves drop from the trees, the fruit stands out even more.

We also quickly realize that some trees are “messier” than others. Whether it is the leaves that drop, the fruit that drops or the sticks that litter the yard, trees are constantly dropping something. Sure, there is not a perfect tree that magically cleans up after itself, but there are some trees to avoid planting in certain locations within your landscape if you have a choice. Here is a list of trees to think twice about planting in your landscape.

Sweet Gum (Liquidamber styraciflua)

This ornamental tree is primarily grown for its brilliant fall color of oranges, reds, yellows and purples. It can be quite stunning, but it also produces copious amounts of spiky gum ball fruit. My in-laws had one of these growing in their front yard and it was a prolific fruit producer that they complained about every year. Like most messy trees, it has its place in the landscape, but not in a place where your grandchildren will be walking barefoot.

Sweet gums have great fall color, but spiny fruit

Catalpa (Catalpa speciosa)

The large heart shaped leaves of this native lowland tree along with the fluffy white blooms in the summer can be reasons to have this tree in your landscape. However, the long cigar shaped seed pods and thousands of catalpa caterpillars are major drawbacks. I have one of these trees in my yard in a low spot that has standing water when it rains. I can appreciate the blooms from a distance but in the fall, I do have to collect the large leaves so they don’t smother my lawn.

Catalpa heart-shaped leaf with long cigar shape fruit pod

Cottonwoods (Populus deltoides)

These trees are notorious for dropping sticks and debris throughout the year. The fluffy cotton clogs up air conditioner units and seedlings sprout up any place with constant moisture in the spring. They are also susceptible to many diseases and insect pests. As our state tree, their native habitat is along rivers, streams and ponds. Their roots are typically shallow, buckling sidewalks and driveways. My colleagues have been lobbying to cut one of these down that currently grows on the edge of our prairie.

Black Walnut (Juglans nigra)

This tree is often found along prairies, stream margins and fencerows. While native, you should avoid planting a black walnut along streets and driveways. The round, hard nuts will stain concrete and they are tripping hazards. The fruit and foliage can be quite pungent as well and the leaves are a favorite of walnut caterpillars. These pests can become so numerous that they will totally defoliate the tree. It also produces a toxic compound that can kill other plants you are trying to grow around and under its canopy. Leave it in the wild and go to it to collect the black walnut fruit if you like to eat them.

Oaks (Quercus sp.)

I hesitated including oaks in this list, but then I looked at my back deck, currently covered with tiny acorns. We value oaks for their long life, shade, hardiness, fall color (sometimes), and wildlife attraction to our yards. In fact over 900 species of winged insects rely on oaks for their life cycles, not to mention birds and other wildlife. If you plant one of these mighty oaks in your yard, just know that you have to take the good with the bad. In my case, the good far outweighs the bad.

Pin oak acorns roll around my backyard like marbles, but at least the squirrels are happy.

Ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba)

The ginkgo tree is a living fossil with distinct fan-like leaves. The beautiful yellow fall color and hardy disposition make it a much sought after street tree. However, there are male and female trees. The female trees produce a fruit that is both messy and smelly. Some liken the fruit smell to rotting flesh. If you really want a ginkgo in your landscape, seek out one of the many male varieties.

Other obvious trees to avoid

Bradford pear, mimosa, Goldenrain tree, silver maple, Norway maple, weeping willow, river birch, Siberian elm, tree of heaven, mulberry, black locust and Russian olive.

Choose Wisely

As I said earlier, there are no perfect trees. We view some trees as “messy” because they require us to repeatedly clean up the yard. Every tree drops something, but messy trees with stinky, messy fruit and large branches that can damage your house or pests are more problematic. If possible, do your research before planting so you know what to expect as the tree matures. To get good shade, you might have to put up with some messiness. If you are stuck with a messy tree, either embrace its faults by regularly cleaning up the mess or choose to have it removed.

As you know, trees in Kansas are a luxury, so think carefully before removing a mature tree. The downsides of a mature tree needs to far outweigh the upsides. In the case of my 60 year old oak trees that frame my backyard, I regularly pick up fallen branches and routinely blow off my deck and sidewalks of acorns and leaves. I have come to appreciate these trees because they attract so many different forms of wildlife, provide shade, and add to the diversity of my entire landscape.