Donate to Dyck Arboretum of the Plains

Help us carry out our mission of cultivating transformative relationships between people and the land with a gift to our annual fund in any amount.
Memberships are a major means of support for the operation of the arboretum and provide funding for displays and educational programs. There are also benefits to you for becoming a member of the arboretum as described in the Become A Member section, or proceed directly to our Online Membership Form, located on the Hesston College website.
Memorials and Other Tributes
Remember a loved one through a memorial gift or honor a special person in your life for their birthday, anniversary, or retirement. Purchasing a tree, bench, or wildflower planting provides opportunities for a lasting tribute with a plaque engraved with the person’s name placed at the site.
Prairie Window Concert Series Underwriting
Consider sponsoring our Prairie Window Concert Series and have your business logo/name included on venue posters, seat tickets, our underwriter website page, and other promotional materials.
Business Partnership
As a Business Partner, your logo/name will be visible as a supporter at our spring and fall FloraKansas Native Plant Festivals, Winter Lecture Series, spring symposium, winter Luminary Walk, spring Leprechaun Run, summer Earth Partnership for Schools Institute, and every Prairie Window Concert Series show. Other perks are included as well. Visit the following link for details.
Designated Gifts
Designating gifts to special projects ensures that the Arboretum continues to grow. Designated gifts have helped fund new garden displays, bridge construction in the Bird Watch Area, sculptures for the gardens, solar panels, and all three of our major building projects.
Corporate Matching Gifts
Your employer may match your gift to the Dyck Arboretum. This can double or even triple your individual contribution depending upon the company’s policy.
Dillons Community Rewards Program
If you are not able to donate at this time, but want to support the arboretum, you may support the Dyck Arboretum every time you shop for groceries at Dillons, or another Kroger affiliate.
- Simply visit the Dillons Community Rewards website (or similar Community Rewards site for your Kroger affiliate)
- Link your Dillons Plus Card number (you may think of it as your “fuel points” card) to the Dyck Arboretum of the Plains (our number is 10114).
- Every time you shop at Dillons (or your Kroger affiliate), be sure to scan your Dillons Plus Card!
Dillons will donate 5% of your purchase amount to the Dyck Arboretum of the Plains! Giving has never been easier! (Note: You may not support more than one organization at a time, but you can change your organization periodically, if you wish.)
In-kind Gifts
Gifts of goods and services help support our horticultural needs, education programs and fundraising efforts and may provide you with a charitable gift deduction.
Stock Donations
Gifts of long-term appreciated stock and mutual funds are an easy way to make a gift to the Dyck Arboretum of the Plains and may help you avoid capital gains. Your gift can be placed with the endowment of the Arboretum to provide a continual income stream or designated for a particular program.
Making a bequest in your Will or Trust to the Arboretum leaves a legacy that continues to make an impact after your death. To help you with your estate plan, call the director of the Arboretum at (620) 327-8127 or the Advancement Office at Hesston College at (620) 327-8149.