Cranes & Constellations
November 10th, 2018 - November 10, 2018 2:00pm - 11:00pm
Dyck Arboretum of the Plains
177 W. Hickory Street
Hesston, KS 67062
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Every Kansan should experience the fall migration of the sandhill crane at least once in their lifetime. The Great Plains Flyway brings thousands of cranes and tens of thousands of geese through Quivira National Wildlife Refuge every fall. The rich sounds and visuals of these birds are unforgettable. We will also be on the lookout for the federally endangered whooping crane.
Gregg Friesen will impart his vast knowledge of many other migrating birds that pass through this smorgasbord rest stop at Quivira NWR. John Hobbs will share his enthusiasm for the night sky after dark. If the timing of migration and weather cooperate, this evening should prove to be a memorable one.
A hot supper and hot drinks will be provided. Vans will leave Dyck Arboretum at 2:00 p.m. and return by 11:00. Cost: $45 members/$50 non-members will cover entire trip ($25 for children under 13). For reservations, call (620) 327-8127 by Thursday, November 8.