(LECTURE CANCELLED) What Do Kansas Prairie Pollinators Need to Make It?
March 26th, 2024 - March 26, 2024 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Dyck Arboretum of the Plains
177 West Hickory
Hesston, Kansas 67062
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THIS EVENT IS CANCELLED (as of 3/21/24). Pre-registrants will be contacted with details about a refund.
Stimulate your intellect and expand your horizons through our Winter Lecture Series in January, February and March. Featured topics for this coming series are a Great Plains History of Fire, Bison Ecology, and Prairie Pollinators. One lecture will be remote and the other two in person. Lectures begin at 7:00, followed by a time for questions. The event will end by 8:30 p.m. Cost: $5 per person.
Let’s talk about the birds and the bees – and the bats and the ants. Shelly Wiggam is the new state coordinator for Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever in Kansas and was recently the manager of The Nature Conservancy’s Conservation Stewardship Initiative. Her PhD research investigated how both insect pollinators and plants responded to different rangeland management practices in the Flint Hills and beyond.