Native Plant Landscaping Symposium
February 24th, 2018 - February 24, 2018 8:30am - 3:15pm
Dyck Arboretum of the Plains
177 West Hickory
Hesston, KS 67062
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For nearly 20 years, we’ve seen many of the same native plant landscaping folks at our plant sales. We always wonder what their landscapes look like at home and love to hear their stories, but we rarely have time to ask them more questions about their gardens. Why do they garden with native plants? Are they wanting to achieve a certain aesthetic? What wildlife do they attract? What are their planting and maintenance routines? Do they prefer a manicured or wild approach? What is the inspiration that keeps them going?
A mix of native perennials and showy annuals in a more manicured landscaping style.
Ten experienced and inspiring gardeners will briefly tell us their stories and each is unique. Their landscaping styles range from wild and ecological to horticultural and manicured, but they are all on a spectrum of using native plants. Spend a day with us to hear the vignettes of these native plant gardeners, get a virtual tour of their landscapes in photos, and hear their answers to our questions.

A clear wing moth collecting nectar from common milkweed flowers. Native plants attract biological diversity to our landscapes.
With hundreds of years of collective gardening experience in the room, it will be an enriching and inspiring day for you as you think about ways to create, shift, or enhance your native garden/landscape!
Early bird fee of $40 for Arboretum members/$50 for non-members (fee increases to $50/$60 after February 2) includes a full day of presentations, breakfast, and lunch. To register, contact the Dyck Arboretum at 620-327-8127 / 177 W. Hickory, Hesston, KS or arboretum@hesston.edu.
*As of Friday morning, the online registration function is now closed. You may still call to register and enjoy the symposium without food with a $10 discount.*