Conserving Bumble Bees Through the Bumble Bee Atlas (via zoom)
February 25th, 2025 - 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Online via zoom
About the speaker
Bumble bees are a valuable group of pollinators but they are in decline along with so many other groups of insects. A growing community science effort, however, is hoping to reverse this trend. The Xerces Society’s Bumble Bee Atlas is a program seeking to better understand the habitats in which bumble bees live. Katie Lamke, an endangered species conservation biologist with Xerces Society, will explain the plight of bumble bees, summarize this important program, and make you want to get involved.

About the Winter Lecture Series
Stimulate your intellect and expand your horizons through our Winter Lecture Series in January, February and March. Featured topics for this coming series are the Kaw River watershed, conservation of bumble bees, and bats in Kansas. One lecture will be remote and the other two in person. Lectures begin at 7:00 and end by 8:30 pm. Cost is $5 per person.