“The Biggest Little Farm” Documentary Screening
October 20th, 2019 - October 20, 2019 3:00pm - 5:00pm
Dyck Arboretum of the Plains
177 W Hickory St
Hesston, KS 67062
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Bring your friends and family for a viewing and discussion of this stunning documentary.
Admission to this event is FREE. Following the 90 min film in the Prairie Pavilion, there will be a time for discussion and activities. Attendees are encouraged to bring a picnic or stroll the Arboretum grounds before and/or after the film.
THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM chronicles the eight-year quest of John and Molly Chester as they trade city living for 200 acres of barren farmland and a dream to harvest in harmony with nature.
Through dogged perseverance and embracing the opportunity provided by nature’s conflicts, the Chesters unlock and uncover a biodiverse design for living that exists far beyond their farm, its seasons, and our wildest imagination.
Featuring breathtaking cinematography, captivating animals, and an urgent message to heed Mother Nature’s call, THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARM provides us all a vital blueprint for better living
and a healthier planet.